Tatarstan Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services Marat Aizatullin delivered a welcoming speech at the session "Challenges and Opportunities of urban agglomerations in the XXI century" within the framework of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia – the Islamic World: KazanForum 2024".
Питрәч муниципаль районы Көек авылында Мәгариф илкүләм проекты кысаларында Питрәч муниципаль районы Көек авылында Алгоритм технология лицее МБОУга өстәмә корпус төзелә. Төзелеш-монтаж эшләренең гомуми үтәлеше 37% тәшкил итә.
Бүгенге көндә 4 нче катның стеналарын кирпеч белән салу, эчке инженерлык челтәрләре (электрика, сантехника), стеналарны штукатурлау, тәрәзәләрне монтажлау буенча эшләр алып барыла.
Агымдагы елда Татарстан Республикасында 11 мәктәп (8 яңа мәктәп һәм 3 өстәмә корпус) төзү планлаштырыла, аларның гомуми куәте 9 835 урын.
Моннан тыш, Яр Чаллы, Кукмара районнарында яңа мәктәпләр, Биектау, 2 Лаеш районнарында 2 мәктәп һәм Казан шәһәрендә 4 гомуми белем бирү учреждениесе барлыкка киләчәк.
«Мәгариф» илкүләм проекты идарә итүнең барлык дәрәҗәләрендә мәгариф системасын үстерүгә юнәлдерелгән, шуңа күрә федераль бюджет акчаларының шактый өлеше «Мәгариф» илкүләм проектының федераль проектларын гамәлгә ашыруга Россия Федерациясе субъектларына җибәрелә.
The pavilion of the Kazan Expo IEC, which houses the stands of the participants of the International Property Market, was visited yesterday by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin and the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.
Today, the Republican Ministry of Construction discussed issues of individual housing construction under the chairmanship of the ANO "Center for the Development and popularization of the activities of developers of individual housing construction".
On May 2, the regional stage of the competition "Best mentoring practices in the Republic of Tatarstan" started.
The competition is held within the framework of the national project "Labor Productivity". The competition is held in the following categories:
Tatarstan took the third place in the ranking of regions in terms of construction volumes in early 2024. In January-April, the volume of housing construction in the republic amounted to 1.8 million square meters. This is 33.7% more than in the same period of 2023.
Today, the settlement of an apartment building on Baki Urmanche Street, 18, began in the city of Arsk.
In a 48-apartment new building, built at the expense of investments from the State Housing Fund under the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the republican social library program, public sector employees, young families, orphaned children and a grantee doctor received apartments.
Arina Petrova, curator of the program, told at a meeting at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan about how the events of the "Our Yard" program are being implemented in Tatarstan.
Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconference meeting with all municipal districts of the Rais of Tatarstan.
Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin reported on the implementation of republican and federal programs for the construction of social facilities and engineering infrastructure at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In Tatarstan, the housing commissioning plan has been completed by 60%, 1 million 888 thousand square meters have been commissioned. This was reported at a Saturday meeting at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin.