Two kindergartens for 260 seats each opened in the Salavat Kupere residential area

9 February 2021, Tuesday

Two kindergartens with a capacity of 260 seats each were opened in the Salavat Kupere residential area. One of them will focus on the development of the social experience of children in bionics, and the second will focus on the development of the sports potential of each child. In preschool institutions, there are nursery groups for children aged 1.5 to 3 years.

The kindergarten № 45 “Tiktormas” at 7a Ilgam Shakirov Avenue was built as part of the “Demography” national project. The preschool is designed for 260 seats. To date, 160 children enrolled here. The kindergarten has its own unique feature –it will focus on development of the sports potential of each child. For children, there are climbing walls and a small football pitch in the recreation areas.

The coaches of the Russian sports complex “Ready for Work and Defense”, the Olympietz school of the Olympic reserve and others train sports skills of children.

Kindergarten №44 “Kerpe” was opened in Salavat Kupere at 6 Ilgam Shakirov Avenue. It is also designed for 260 children. The main focus of the preschool is the development of children's social experience in bionics.

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